Information and questions on the Cambodia visa application form

To make sure you don't make any mistakes when applying for a visa to Cambodia, find out how to fill in the form.

Cambodia visa application form
Cambodia online visa application
→ Cambodia visa application form ←
Cambodia evisa application

As you know, the organisation of a trip to Cambodia is prepared in advance and requires a visa. If you wish to travel to Cambodia in the near future, you must have a visa which you can obtain directly online from a service provider such as the one we present on our page or by contacting the Cambodian embassy in your country of residence. Whichever method you wish to use to apply for your visa, you will need to complete an official application form. In this article, we will explain how to fill in the Cambodia visa application form to avoid mistakes and to ensure that you get that famous residence document.

Cambodia visa application form : Key points

  • Cambodia has set up an online visa procedure accessible with a simple form.
  • The Cambodia visa form can be filled in automatically using your passport
  • The documents required on the Cambodia visa application form are your passport, a passport photo and an envelope.
  • In the visa application form, you will need to fill in information about yourself and your trip to Cambodia.

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Where and how to fill in the visa application form for Cambodia?

As we have just seen, there are two different ways to access the official visa application form for Cambodia. Firstly, you can go to the Cambodian embassy in your country of residence to fill in the form manually.

It is also possible to carry out this procedure directly online, by accessing a digital form, which will save you valuable time and will only take a few minutes at most.

When you apply for a Cambodia visa online, you can fill in the form in two different ways with :

  • Classic form filling: This classic method of filling in the Cambodia visa application form consists of filling in each field of the online form yourself. It will be necessary to proofread all your answers before submitting your application, as mistakes may have been made when inserting the information. These errors may result in your visa application being refused.
  • Automatic filling of your form: In order to simplify the process of applying for a visa for Cambodia and to avoid errors when filling in the form, the Cambodian government has recently implemented an automatic filling system for this application. This feature, called Passport Reader, is a feature that is available from many online providers. Here, after uploading your passport photo, the software will automatically detect your information and insert it into the fields to be filled in. You will simply have to check the validity of this information and pay the visa application fee.

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What documents are required to complete the Cambodia visa application form?

Before you go to the website of our service provider to apply for a visa for Cambodia and to fill in the application form, you must make sure that you have the necessary elements for this application. Here are the different documents that you will be asked to provide when filling in the visa application form.

  • Your passport: Before applying for a visa for Cambodia online, you must of course make sure that you have a valid original passport which is valid for at least 6 months after the date of leaving Cambodia. You should also bring a copy of your passport in A4 or digital format with the page on which your photo is taken.
  • A passport photo: You must have a recent passport photo in colour to be affixed to the form either electronically or manually, if you are applying for a visa to Cambodia.
  • An envelope and a registered letter: Finally, if you are applying for a visa at the Cambodian embassy in your country of residence or if you are applying by post, you must enclose an envelope containing your passport and a registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt mentioning your name and address and a book of stamps for 20g letters. This last item will of course not be necessary if you apply online.


What information should be included in the visa application form for Cambodia?

Let's move on to the practical side of things by looking at the different items you will need to fill in when applying for a visa to Cambodia. It is essential to know what information you will be asked to provide in order to avoid making the slightest mistake that could lead to your visa being refused.

Thus, in the visa application form, you will be asked to provide the following information

  • Your birth name, your married name is your first name.
  • Your date and place of birth.
  • Your gender.
  • Your nationality at birth and your current nationality.
  • Your date of arrival in Cambodia is the date of departure from Cambodia or duration of stay.
  • Your intended address of residence in Cambodia.
  • Your point of entry into the country and the means of transport.
  • Your passport number, place of issue and date of issue and expiry.
  • Your postal address, email and telephone number.
  • The reason for your stay.
  • Your place of work and telephone number.
  • Your point of exit from the country.


Common mistakes to avoid when filling in the Cambodia visa application form

Completing a Cambodia visa application form may seem straightforward, but there are some common mistakes that can delay or jeopardise your application. To avoid these problems, it's vital to be aware of the potential pitfalls and how to avoid them. Here's a list of the most common mistakes and advice on how to avoid them.


Incorrect or incomplete personal details

One of the most common mistakes is providing incorrect or incomplete personal information. This includes misspellings of your name, an incorrect date of birth or an incorrectly entered passport number. These errors may seem minor, but they can result in your application being rejected.

Tip: Take the time to check every detail before submitting the form. Make sure your details match exactly those on your passport.


Non-compliant photos

A photo that does not comply with the requirements is a common mistake. Requirements often include a neutral background, a specific size and a recent photo. Using a photo that does not meet these criteria can lead to delays.

Tip: Consult the official guidelines for photos before supplying them. If possible, use a professional photographer to avoid any doubts.


Wrong type of visa requested

Applying for the wrong type of visa is another common mistake. For example, applying for a tourist visa when you are planning to work or study in Cambodia.

Tip: clearly identify the type of visa that corresponds to your situation before starting the application. If you are unsure, consult the official embassy website or contact an advisor.


Incorrect dates of stay

Inconsistencies in the planned dates of stay are another source of problems. If the dates indicated on the form do not correspond to your flight or accommodation bookings, your application could be rejected.

Tip: Make sure that the dates on your form match those on your supporting documents.


Poor quality copies of documents

Poorly scanned, blurred or illegible documents are often rejected. Documents affected include passports, flight tickets or hotel reservations.

Tip: Use a good quality scanner to produce clear, sharp copies. Check that all important factors are legible before sending.


Incorrect email address

An error in the email address may result in important notifications, such as confirmation or the status of your application, not being received.

Tip: Check your email address carefully before submitting the form. Use an address that you check regularly.


Incorrect or missed payment

Failure to pay the visa fee or providing incorrect payment details may delay your application.

Tip: Check the payment details and ensure that the transaction has been completed successfully. Keep proof of payment in case of problems.


Failure to meet submission deadlines

Submitting your application too late can jeopardise your travel plans. Some visa applications take several days or even weeks to process.

Tip: Allow plenty of time to process your application, taking into account the deadlines indicated by the Cambodian authorities.


Ignoring specific instructions

Each country may have unique requirements. Ignoring specific instructions on the form or required documents may result in your application being rejected.

Tip: Read all instructions carefully before you start. If anything is unclear, ask the relevant authorities for clarification.

By following these tips and avoiding the mistakes mentioned, you will increase your chances of obtaining your visa for Cambodia without hassle. Thorough preparation is the key to a successful trip!

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Frequently asked questions

Do I need to fill in a visa application form for Cambodia for a minor child?

Cambodian law is clear on this matter. All children, even minors accompanied by their parents, must obtain a visa in their own name before travelling to the country. They must also have an individual passport and not just be on their parents' passport. Depending on the situation of the children and the travellers accompanying them, other documents may be required, such as an exit permit.

Where and how to find a visa application form for Cambodia?

To facilitate the filling of the visa application form for Cambodia, we recommend you to access a form with assistance. You can find it on the official website or on some websites such as our partner's website, which we recommend because of its clarity and the help it gives you in case of difficulty in filling in the form.